
16th September

Today, we had an ARW class at Bakayama with the autumn sunlight.
The main part of class was the discussion about "have you ever felt stumbling block?".
I know some gestures have different meaning depends on countries and people, but actually I couldn't come up with the stumbling block which I've felt.
I had studied at Canada during this summer and made a lot of friends who from different countries.
Of course, sometimes we had a problem to communicate with each other, but I guess that problem simply came from our English skills.
Language differences is, I know, one of the stumbling block, but I think such a my experience in Canada is not worth saying "stumbling block".
Even if we had a difficulty with English, we could communicate with each other.
So, I guess I have never felt any stumbling block so far.

After all classes, I went to Nihonbashi to visit an exhibition of gold fish with my friend.
I have been wanting to visit there from before this summer vacation, and finally I could visit there!!
The venue was not crowded so much, so we decided to look around there twice.
At the first lap, we looked and enjoyed the beauty of gold fish and the atmosphere of venue without camera and iPhone but our own five-senses.
Then we took some pictures as memories, but those pictures are not enough to convey that real beauty.
So, I burned those scenes into my eye sight.
I can say that night was so great.

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