
Cover, not Copy. 5/29

Today's class was something special for me.
Out teacher said that Cover is totally different from copy.
We watched some music videos which were covered by some singers and bands.
Some of "cover" artist make just "copy" of genuine music, however, a few of them add their creativity to genuine one and make their cover music different from genuine one.

Actually, I'm trying to start my business with my partners.
Then, the simplest way in business to success is to "copy" forgoing business someone launched.
But, that is not enough and is it worth trying for us?

As a first step of new business maker, we need to make "cover" plan, not "copy" plan.
If we have these thoughts that we need to add our creativity and make something different after learning from forgoing business, we could make good things for people and these challenges are gonna be worth trying!!

Ok, everything I will try, I'm gonna add my creativity to "copy" and make my version of "cover".

This advertisement of android which I saw at Times square in New York is so meaningful for everyone in 21st century.


Tips for good presentation. 5/27

In the beginning of today's lecture, our teacher quote catch-22 to describe ICU's contradiction.
Multimedia room should be open for students who want to use it, so a class which consist of students can not use multimedia room.

What I felt cool was that our teacher easily use a example of literary work.
That might be based on his refinement, and I can guess he had read many books.
I genuinely could respect him.

Anyway, we researched and watched video about presentation skills.
I watched pretty good tv program about presentation in NHK(Nippon Hoso Kyokai), but NHK videos are not on any free movie web site such as youtube, so I could't share that program with my classmates.

In that tv program, Joichi Ito, who is a head of MIT Media Lab, told that when presenter change the subject, he or she should turn their direction of body as well. 
It's called chapterizing.

In videos I watched, one of them said that good slides have less words and more pictures, but some said that people can read faster than can listen.
It's inconsistent, isn't it?

Mention my ideas make my ides clearer. 5/25

Today, we had a small presentation about our essay topic in a small group.
I needed to explain and convey my ideas to 4 people.
Presentation, whether in front of many people or not, needs clear mind.
So, When I stand in front of people and mention my idea, I'm required to understand my idea.

And also, questions and feedbacks are so important to reconsider my ideas.
Opinions from outside of my mind is so helpful to recognize what I couldn't come up with.

When my audience asked some questions to me, I couldn't answer a couple of his questions with confidence.
This means I didn't understand my topic fully and I need to think more about my ideas.

I could notice that things from a small presentation.

Free range studios tell us a reality. 5/22

Free range studios, which I did't know, has a lot of interesting and meaningful videos in the internet.
Actually, I think that website is one of the best staff to learn English and new information at the same time.

The story of staff, which is one of the popular video series in free range video, is easy to understand what happens behind "ordinary" and "daily" products.
I watched "the story of bottled water" in that website, and I was a kind of shocked by that content.
As a man who drink bottled water everyday, I actually have robbed water of someone I haven't met in some developing countries.
I didn't know where bottled water comes from, but this video told me a reality.

About 9hundred million people can not drink clean water around the world.
However, in developed countries such as Japan, some people say I need clean water even they have much cleaner tap water  than developing countries.


How many planet do you need? 5/20

Finally, we finished watching the corporation.
That was pretty critical movie against the corporation.
All things in that movie are not fiction which most people didn't know before.

However, we can't live without corporation.
Our life is totally depend on products from corporation.

We already know how child labour works and how corporation exploits it.
We can criticize them but actually we need to buy their staff, this means we have been feeding them.
You may say we shouldn't buy these products and should buy fare trade staff.
But, H&M is quite cheep and fare trade shirt are expensive for students.

Of course, when I get rich and become a man of conscience, I'll buy fair trade staff.
However, now for me as a student, actually, cheaper is better.
I don't buy fair trade coffee in cafeteria, I don't buy fair trade clothes.
Sometimes, I  buy fair trade shoes or bags when I like these design.
But, usually, I don't change my decision for the only one reason that this product is not fair trade staff.

Anyway...Ralph Lauren is too much expensive compared with their products quality. They should stop make price such high or give their employees in Vietnam more salary.

Actually, I think the problem is there are too much corporation which exploit employees in developed countries.
We know some of them like NIKE and GAP, however, even we stop buying their products, we might grab another unfair products which we couldn't recognize.

With drinking a cup of fair trade coffee in his hand, someone might buy Ralph Lauren's 100$ shirt.

When some professional talk about poverty in developed country, he might be with high quality fancy suit made in Vietnam and he might not know price breakdown of that price.

.......So, what we can do now?

.......I have no idea.

Should I criticize NIKE wearing GAP clothes?



Medical kit needs injured. 5/19

Psychological counselor needs mental illness.
Medical kit needs injured.
Weapon needs victims.

These things which I was thinking during today's class is, I believe, truth.

In the movie, the government and corporation keep friendly relationship even during the war.

If a weapon corporation wants to get more profit, they need conflict.
If a medical supplies corporation wants to get more profit, they need injured.

They easily can corporate each other, because their benefit is related.
They need a war.

Then, the government can get tax from the corporation in their state.
More profit in corporation means more tax income in government.

Actually, war makes people cry, but makes corporation laugh.
A part of people, who are not in danger zone, wants war to get their benefit.

And it is what is going on this real world.


Press around the world. 5/18

In today's lecture, most interesting point for me was the corporation and press can lie.
We, people, allow to lie, and there is no law for individuals to ban laying.
In the context of law, the corporation is considered as individual, so theoretically, they don't need to say right thing or correct answer, because they are also individuals.

However, is this ok?
The corporation actually consists of many individuals.
When they try to deceive one individual, they can do that easily because they are big enough to force something.

A girl from Japanese imperial family entered ICU since this April.
Then, Japanese mass media have been reported about her and ICU, whether the information is correct or not.
Actually, almost all people around me who are not ICU students believed these kind of gossip from press.
One good example is here, she likes dancing since her childhood and she wanted to join one of the most popular dance club in ICU.
Actually, my seniors in that dance club told me that she attended practices several times before she entered ICU.
So, they and me thought she really wanted to join that club and practice dance with high quality members.

That club had a welcome party to freshmen include her in Kichijozi, and press could get that information "she will appear that place".
Actually, on that day, there were many press around that place to take some pictures and write some gossip.

Then, one of cub member knew that many press will come to take pictures of her in welcome party, so they change place and date in order to keep their privacy.

If everyone can trust press that they won't write incorrect information or gossip. it doesn't be matter.
However, press already have wrote incorrect and improper information about that dance club.
So, they couldn't trust them.

If press can use incorrect information and can lie, they can do personal attack in public by incorrect information.


A good way to listen to lecture. 5/11

Today's lecture was one of the most interesting lecture for me.
We watched the film whose name was "The corporation" , then we discussed some parts.

In Sweden, advertisement to children is banned by law.
The film considered the advertisement to children as a bad thing because they try to use children as consumers, and our teacher seemed that he agreed with Sweden's policy.

However, I don't think that Sweden's idea is good.
When children watched advertisement to themselves, whether it is consciously or unconsciously, they sometimes may want to get some staff which was advertised.
But, parents can stop them buying unnecessary staff or too expensive staff.
Children can learn how to recognize it is necessary staff, right price, and worth paying money, through that experiences that watching advertisement, trying to buy and being forced to reconsider by parents.

If there is no advertisement to children and they can't learn how to recognize, they will be "good" consumer when they get old and are independent of parents. because they have never experienced to tell too expensive price from right price, necessary staff from unnecessary staff, and good staff from bad staff.
( "good" means that good consumer for the corporation.)

One more thing, (I didn't know that thing but) there were university students who got scholarships from corporation by wearing and using their products.
Some of us criticized them because they are advertisements and try to make many people want to buy that products.
However, if they wore only fair-trade clothes, ate fair-trade foods and got scholarships from the corporation which try to generalize fair-trade, are they doing wrong thing?

I felt what they were doing was very good idea.
When we are watching "the corporation", most students in class tend to take everything in film in negative way.

Actually, I got inspiration to my essay topic from university students who got scholarships from corporations.


Critical thinking against ICU. 5/1

University of Leicester writing support centre was very good.
There were many concrete introduction to many areas of academic things such as presentation and writing academic papers.

Especially, in presentation area, there are 32 self checks for having a presentation.
It is very good for presenter to make good presentation.

Actually, I need to do presentation about my new business plan in front of investors, so it is very important and useful for me.

One more thing, we compared with ICU writing support centre and other world famous university's one.

All writing centres except ICU one have many specific information and instructions.
However, ICU one said just please come and see us, then let's discuss about your questions. It is not for students out of ICU.

One more thing, ICU one has Japanese version and English version as well, but the example video of tutorial in English version is Japanese.
Students and tutors in that video talk about everything in Japanese only, OYRs and some September students can not understand what they are saying.
My teacher said that is "localization".
And, in the introduction to cultural studies class which has some September students, one students submit comment sheet and ask question in English.
Then the professor answered, but the answer was in difficult Japanese which I do not think it is easy to understand for September students.

So, ICU, as a super global university in Japan, doesn't care about OYRs and September students so much.

If we can use our "critical thinking" to ICU, we can see many strange points in ICU.


Time flies like a drone. 4/29

The most effective way to learn something new is to cooperate with partners, my teacher said.
When we checked many articles on FutureLearn, we divided many articles and shared information which each member read.
Actually, if I have not so much time to get information, I need some partners to divide works.

I interpreted that one person doesn't have to be perfect, I don't need to do everything by myself.
The best way to make a project is to divide works for people who are good at specific technics.
If I have a confidence with talking in public, I should have a presentation.
If someone has a confidence with reading and summarizing text, he should do that.

Actually, my friends and I are making our own business plan to build our own company.
Then, I'm mainly writing business plan and making sentence attract people because I'm in ICU and I learned how to make a good presentation and how to catch readers attention through ELA.
My friends who are in science institute are making application program because they are really interested in writing chords.

I don't need to write program, because they can do that.
They don't need to talk in public, because I'm confident with that.

When I have partners who I can trust, it is a very good strategy to do anything.
