
The critical view point of the corporation. 4/27

Today, we watched film which is "The corporation".
That film said that the corporation is psychopath which can not keep promise, do anything for benefit for themselves, can not cooperate with anyone, and so on.
History shows us that corporations have been doing whatever they wanted to do, even it was against law or it damaged others.

The phrase "free trade" has been used by corporations or mainly developed countries.
"Free trade" between poor area and a corporation is actually free for only a corporation, not for poor ares.
"Free" doesn't mean "fair" and "clear".

During the film, one of commentator said that a corporation doesn't care about anything except their products and benefit.
So, they are willing to break a law, harm people, and destroy environment.

But, I didn't fail to catch his next comment.
He said "when environment itself become product, it's gonna be different."

Yes, sometimes corporations do wrong things on purpose, and we should point out their failure.
But, we need to think about solution, not only getting angry to them.

I think the essential view point for good future is inside of this comment.
"When environment itself become product, it's gonna be different."

A corporation takes care of only their products and benefit.
Then, what will happen when their product change an environment or people.
Theoretically, they will take care of an environment and people, and they will consider an environment and people as essential parts of their business.

As 21st century business, an environmental business or business for poor people ( it may be called as "social business") should be more popular and mainstream.

from a web site "Cora's music journey"

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