
Don't hate "new things" at first sight. 6/12

Project based learning(PBL) is a program for student to experience to start business as a class. 
Actually, I thought that program was pretty good idea for student in 21st century.
Even if students will belong to a big corporation, the experiences to run their own business by themselves is very useful.
They can understand how difficult to run a business and how corporation run.
I think it is Japan that the country which really needs that program.

During a discussion about PBL, one of my friend said that I need someone give me assignments. I don't know so much but many Japanese student might say same thing.
It's really sad thing for Japan's future, we need to do everything by ourselves in 21st century. If not, we will be used by information, technology and will be behind others who do everything by themselves.
But but but, interestingly, soon after, she said that I don't wanna take PBL program because PBL is forced by teachers, not our choice.

She said I need someone give me assignments, then she also said I don't wanna do forced by teachers.
I see, she just doesn't like "new things".

As an individual, I don't wanna be same as her.

I have known about Google's 20% free time policy.
This means that if people work 5days in a week, they can get 1day free in weekday (20%×5=100%).

Oh, I really want to be in such workplace.

But, how about us as a student?
We have more than 50% free time in everyday, right?
If we don't want to take course, we don't need to do that.

So, from now on, I will stop to use excuse that I don't have time.


There is no perfect. Always improved areas are there. 6/10

Today, we did presentations about our essay topics.
Influenced yesterday's lecture, many classmates made excellent slides!!

Most of them used very memorable pictures and well contrast font colors.
Some of them used videos related with their topics and these videos were so helpful to understand reality behind their presentations.

Actually, I was impressed by my classmates presentations because their slides looked like much better than mine.

Then I'll describe their good points in presentations.

・Show outlines the beginning of presentations
・Well organized and good flow of topics
・Use good videos to catch audiences attention.
・Good transitions by google slides
・Good pictures as backgrounds.
・Good contrast font colors (Ex. Animal abuse→Black and Red)
・Good use of color
・Use body languages without any hesitations.

Then I'll describe some points needs to be improved
・Time keeping
・Lack of confident
・Eye contacts
・Jump topics

A famous man or woman (I don't remember...) said that you need to learn from other's mistakes because life is not enough long to make all mistakes by yourself.

I'll improve my oral presentation skills and the techniques to make good slides.

Practice makes Perfect. 6/9

An hour presentation needs one hundred hours. when our teacher said that, I thought he was a professional presentator.

His attitude toward his job is what I do for everything in my life.

one thing needs much more preparation than what I do.
Practice makes perfect, and preparation makes perfect as well.

But, I have had a problem to time management since I was child.
I usually finished my assignments in summer on the last day of summer vacation.

After entering ICU, the situation is almost same as my childhood.
I’m always thinking that I need to change, but it is pretty difficult to alter habit made by long time.

Practice and preparation need well organized schedule and time.
So, when I try to make something perfect, I need time to practice and preparation.

…….Oh my god, even a elementary school kids know that thing.

There is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path.

No bias No Life. 6/8

Bias exists everywhere around me.

What we need to acknowledge is the we can’t escape from bias.

I have bias, and you have bias.
You have bias, and your friends have bias.

You judge your teacher based on bias, and your teacher judges you based on bias.

In today’s lecture, our teacher said that the movie Load of the Ring was influenced by the world war Ⅱ. 

I watched that movie but I didn’t notice that bias and even didn’t try to find bias.

But, now I can try to find bias and can find some fun through these finding bias process.

In the end of today's class,

one of my friend said 
“I have a confident with that I have no bias.”

I replied 

 “Oh, you don’t have any bias? That’s a bias."