
The last day of Autumn Term. 11th November.

Finally, we finished out last class in autumn term!!
Time flies, but many interesting and unforgettable things happened in thins term.
I could experience and learn a lot of important things thorough all classes, my friends, my club activities, and so on.
I want to say thank you everyone.

Anyway, we watched TED talks during our last ARW class.
The topic were education and creativity.
Actually, the most impressive phrase for me in class was not TED speaker's words but our teacher's words.

He said "teachers can encourage students but they can't do everything, only students themselves can take action by themselves. If you don't try to learn from teachers or others, you can't learn anything.".

That's true.
It's totally depend on individuals whether they do something or not.
Others include teachers, parents, and friends can only assist us or encourage us.
If we don't take actions, nothing will happen.

So, we have all responsibility for what we do.
Everything is our own choice.
Ultimately, we don't have any excuses for our own actions.

Our teachers taught many things to us in this term, it's depend on us what we learn from them.
We can forget what they taught to us, and also we can make the most of what we learned.

I'm gotta try harder.

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